Let's get back to blogging!

Hi everyone!! It’s been a while hasn’t it! No excuse, just other parts of life just took over and then I got the fear! I lost my flow and just started avoiding sitting down and put pen to paper (or in this case words on Word!) But I’m getting my flow back, getting focussed again and going to try and get a routine because I really do enjoy this side of my life once I get going!


What is the right thing to write?

I think a big part of my blogging-block was that I started over thinking what to write about! I love writing about our holidays, it is a trip down memory lane and for me a great way to document our family time as we are truly useless of making photo albums and as a Mum I love reading other family blogs and what they did and what worked and getting ideas. But then I started to worry that I was going off brand and why would anyone following me for my sewing want to know about our holidays? So I got stage fright, and let those fears creep in and froze! I have so many ideas of what I would like to write about, content is not a problem, my confidence was!

I think sometimes though, taking a step back and just absorbing life around you gives you clarity. Running a small business is not small at all – it is a mammoth task. You bring to the table so many different talents and behind the scenes there is a lot going on. Making products, taking photos of said products, sharing them on social media – which for me right now is three different platforms, while trying so hard to be the best Mum and wife and not let any of these spinning plates fall! It is at times juts completely over whelming but this week is the first week back at school and for me almost like the first week back at work after a break (although it was hardly a break, more chaos!) But order can resume and I’m going to give this blogging thing another go!


It will be a total mix of me, which will cover holidays and trips with the kids but I’m also going to start sharing some DIY projects such as:

  • hand embroidery (maybe some free patterns I’ve designed),

  • how to make simple quilts,

  • my favourite apps for editing photos

  • tips for choosing clothes for your memory keepsakes!

Is there anything you would like covered? Let me know!

So please pop back if any of this interests you. I hope to get a blog up every 2 weeks………. So watch this space!

Thanks for reading,

Claire xx